Ethiopia Day 1

I woke up to “Closer” by The Chainsmokers this morning. Not because I set it as my alarm, but because the elementary school next door to the hotel was having their PE to the song. 
For breakfast, I drank coffee and ate potatoes, green beans and carrots. For dinner, I ate pizza and french fries. And a coke, of course. 

I’m currently laying on my bed, underneath a mosquito net, praying to God that the mosquitoes that sneaked their way in my room won’t find the huge hole in the net and that my Malaria pills actually work. 

Outside my window, Ciara is belting “Let me see you 1,2, step” at the bar in the hotel. Birds are still chirping and my mind wanders to the hotels pet turtle, hoping he finds a place to sleep tonight. 

Today, I boarded a plane that carried a small amount of travelers from the big city of Addis Ababa to the small city of Arba Minch. I smiled and waved at little girls in fancy dresses, started counting the number of women with dyed hair color similar to mine, and sadly shook my head at the people begging for money. 

I passed shoe shiners, small 7/11 type stores, and retailers offering the hottest collection of Ethiopian fashion. 

I visited an Ethiopian Orthodox Church but was refused access because I didn’t bring my head and shoulder covering with me. 

I learned how to count to 10 in Amharic, but have no idea how to write it. My translator kept teaching me new words. 

I got sweaty in the mugginess. I got cranky in my sweatiness. Thankfully a nap and some food was a simple remedy.

Tomorrow I get to learn more about this area that’s already growing on me. While today didn’t seem like much, I’ve already seen how similar they are to me, yet how beautifully different we are as well. 

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